Custom point-of-purchase displays can boost sales by catching the customer’s eye, targeting impulse buyers, elevating brand recognition, and engaging with customers through visual merchandising. Point-of-purchase sales can have some hefty business benefits that lead to direct bottom-line results. Want to see your profits rise and your brand recognition grow?
Here’s how a custom POP display can help:
When a customer enters a store, an overwhelming number of products and branded items fight for their attention. Shoppers generally have a specific item in mind when they browse an aisle — and if they’re not already familiar with your brand, you will need something to set you apart. A unique point of purchase display will put your product in front of the shopper, vastly increasing the chance of the shopper noticing and choosing your item. As a bonus, POP displays make it easier than ever to grab your product and add it to the cart, giving you a leg up on the competition at the point of purchase.
Retail point of purchase displays provide an avenue to add extra messaging to your product. You can use this space to inform consumers about your product’s value, promote a current special offer or highlight what makes your brand unique.
Custom point of purchase displays are hard to miss, even for the busy shopper. Displays are a powerful way to put your brand at the forefront of customers’ minds. The more familiar they are with your logo and imaging, the more likely they’ll be to choose your product over a competitor’s.